Remote Coding
I am now pleased to offer remote coding services to most customers. Remote coding is subject to a ping test. If the ping is too high then it must be done locally on your machine. If the ping is acceptable, I can do it on my end. I can code your TFT options with the motorcycle at your home garage remotely. There is a few things you will need though to make this possible.
1. ENET Cable (Cheap on eBay)
2. USB to Ethernet Adapter (If you don't have an ethernet port)
3. Battery Charger (Not a trickle charger)
4. A Windows Laptop or PC (Can be a MAC but needs a bootable Windows Install)
5. A working internet connection via Wi-Fi or Ethernet
6. Download and install Teamviewer on your PC
7. Minimum TFT firmware version 022_007_020
The basic principle of how this works is for you to plug the ENET cable into the OBD plug on your motorcycle. Then plug the ethernet plug into your Laptop or PC. Connect the battery charger to the motorcycle. Turn your motorcycle ignition on. Then Open Teamviewer on your PC and provide me your ID and Password. I will then connect to your PC remotely via VPN. At this point I will conduct a ping test to see if remote coding is suitable. If it is, I will then proceed to connect to your motorcycle and begin coding. If the ping is too high, you will be asked to download some files to your PC so I can install them and code the bike locally on your machine. The coding will take less than 30 minutes. In most cases it will be around 10 minutes if everything goes smoothly.
If this is something you are interested in then please get in contact with me. Let me know what model of bike you have and what options you want coded.